side navigation

General Shipping Agents

We take care of all the procedures inherent to the entry and exit before the port authorities of the boats in any traffic is high, cabotage or recreation, we also attend to all the requirements of the personnel on board in spare parts, crew changes, water supplies and fuels and operating needs.
We maintain close contact through complete reports that reflect in detail all the operational activities of the ship, developing a strategy looking for short stays and better operational savings.

side navigation

Protective Agents

We fully represent the vessel in all aspects of port coordination, supplies to the ship, work reports and in general looking for the best results.

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Cargo Handlings

We have modern personnel and means to carry out all kinds of goods maneuvers, its control and management of information that allows optimizing time and resources, Likewise, we improve the means to minimize waste and breakdowns with fast and clean operations.

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Special Proyects

We develop all the logistics and control of operations, We give maritime technical advice and in general the review and monitoring of the entire process.

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Off Shore

We have the experience in handling boats and personnel with contracted activities in the area of ​​platforms with oil exploration and extraction activities.

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We act in direct representation of our principals at the contractual level, commercial, advisory and commissioned activities related to the maritime environment.